Flower Garden Dream

Nurture Your Soul in a Garden of Dreams

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Using Your Flowers As Drink Garnish

The Dream Team

Edible flowers are still something a lot of people don’t take advantage of when it comes to adding a little something extra to their plates and glasses. And rightfully so if you don’t have a garden, since you can’t be sure of the quality or health of them when buying some from the store. However, if you have a luscious garden that is maintained organically, edible flower cocktails are something you have to try this season, and we’re sure it will be a hit! Here’s a list of flowers you can use that will be safe.

Edible Rose Petals

You can use fragrant rose petals to compliment a gin-infused drink. We particularly like this idea from Hungry Australian.

Edible Hibiscus

Not all Hibiscus flowers are edible — this is very important to keep in mind. However, Tyrant Farms has found the Hibiscus sabdariffa is perfectly fine! Since the taste can be overwhelming, try pairing it with a strawberry-infused cocktail.

Edible English Lavender

Again, not all types of lavender are edible. The most common one used in cooking and drinking is dried English Lavender. You can garnish a vodka drink that is infused with lemon and blueberry. The lavender will be an extra wow-factor.

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